How To Cultivate Gratitude

The positive impacts of cultivating gratitude are probably more than you would expect! According to Harvard Health Publishing, expressing gratefulness is correlated with a higher level of happiness. People who are intentionally thankful are more inclined to have good experiences in life, deal with conflict productively, build strong relationships, and have improved health. With these factors considered, you might feel motivated to cultivate gratefulness within your own life! 

As you start this new journey, you may not know where to start. Luckily, there are several ways to express your thankfulness for the things and people you have in your life. Read on to learn about some of these steps you can take to begin your journey to achieve a greater level of contentment and happiness! 

1. Have a Journal 

A journal can allow you to create a habit of expressing what you are thankful for daily. A journal can be beneficial to actively remind you of different aspects of your life that you may sometimes take for granted. By making journaling a habit, you can challenge yourself to find something new or unique for each day you are thankful for. Additionally, a journal can be a good reminder for all you have on hard days when you can’t think of any good things to document. 

2. Create a Photo Collage 

A photo collage is a physical reminder of what you are thankful to have in your life. Whether you make a photo collage of your family and friends, your favorite places to visit, your pets, or pictures that represent your hobbies, the photo collage will be a unique depiction of your life. A photo collage can be displayed in your bedroom as a positive reminder in the morning or in the living room so that you will repeatedly see the physical reminder of the good things in your life. 

3. Participate in Volunteer Work 

Volunteer work is powerful and rewarding in more than one way. As you begin to contemplate the many things you have to be grateful for, your mind may drift to those who do not have the same resources or people in their lives. By spending your time helping others or donating items to various organizations, you can appreciate what you have in your own life on a deeper level while still helping others. 

4. Strive for a Positive Mindset 

While you are going throughout your day, striving for a consistent positive mindset will help you feel appreciation. When you have a negative mindset about people or situations, take a step back and remind yourself of the positives. This mindset shift can soon change your thought processes and may even become a habit. 

In conclusion, cultivating gratitude is rewarding and can transform your view of life. Once you take intentional steps each day to remind yourself of what you are grateful for, you will soon feel new levels of joy and satisfaction. Start your journey today and experience this life-changing way of life. 

The Future of Education

Soon, the new year will be here, and we look forward to building a better future for all of us. The future always provides optimism, growth, and uncertainty, especially in education. Here are some possible future education trends to pay attention to.


One major trend to look out for is changes in technology. With virtual reality and artificial intelligence advancements, classrooms have begun to implement these technologies into their lesson plans more frequently. More and more students are beginning to rely on digital learning tools for their education. This trend will likely continue as technology becomes more prevalent in our daily lives. We have had to rely more on technology ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Changing Demographics

Another major trend to watch out for is changing demographics. As the global population continues to grow, so does the education demand. This means that we will need to find new ways of teaching students that can accommodate the diverse needs of today’s learners.

Additionally, many countries will be experiencing significant shifts in their population demographics as more and more people migrate to urban areas for work and other opportunities. This is already happening in some parts of the world, such as China and India, where we can expect a significant increase in enrollment over the coming years.

Personalized Instruction

Students in the future will need a differentiated approach to instruction. As we continue to improve our understanding of how students learn best, we will be able to build more tailored lesson plans and teaching methods that cater specifically to each student’s needs and learning styles. This can help educators better engage their students while making the educational experience more meaningful and effective.


Some schools have begun outsourcing their teaching services to private companies in recent years. This has become a popular strategy for school districts struggling to meet their students’ needs due to budget cuts or other funding issues. While this approach may have downsides, such as a lack of input from teachers and educators when curriculums are being designed, there are also many benefits. Outsourcing can help schools to achieve more with their limited resources and improve educational outcomes for the students under their care.

While the future of advanced education may be uncertain, many exciting developments on the horizon can help us create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment for all students. Whether through new technologies or personalized lessons, we will continue to find new ways to meet the changing needs of our learners as we look toward a brighter future.

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The Importance of Family in Childhood Development

Human beings are biologically social. Because our DNA has wired us this way, babies and young children must be connected socially in healthy and beneficial ways. The social structure of the family is crucial to early childhood development.

Humans are social animals, and social structure plays an important role in their development. The first social interaction that takes place in a baby’s life is with his family only, or his immediate family is the first social group that a child may interact with. So, what role does a family play in a child’s development? Let’s take a look at how family interaction affects child development. 


Value systems are important in human development. Value systems provide young children with a road map to help them navigate interactions with others. Without value systems there would be no rules or regulations for human interactions and families and communities would not be safe or sustainable.

Young children start to learn their value systems from the family members they first interact with. As children grow older, they will start to learn value systems through other outlets, but during early childhood, the child will almost exclusively interact with only family members.

It is important that the family unit presents healthy values to young children that will aid them in interacting with others in a healthy and fair way.

Social Development

Another important aspect of family interaction is the social development that children experience. Before children begin to interact with the larger world, they will first interact with their families.

During this interaction, children will learn about social development and important social concepts such as sharing, working together, helping, protecting, and more. This social interaction will help the child start to develop a secure identity in the world. When children know that they are loved and protected within their family unit, it encourages them to interact with the rest of the world from a place of confidence.

Skill Development

Many skills will develop during interaction with family. These types of skills include:


A child’s sense of security will start to develop within their family interactions in early childhood. Here is where a child will learn that they are loved, and cared for and that their needs will be met. A secure child will be able to form normal, healthy social connections with others. They will be able to better regulate their emotions and learn patience while waiting for their needs to be met.

Insecurity in children often leads to a host of developmental and behavioral problems. Insecure children feel the need to always defend themselves and to seek out ways to fulfill their own needs as quickly as possible because they are not assured that caregivers will meet their needs. This can lead to a range of issues throughout life.

The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education

Often when we think of learning activities for children, we primarily think of school and traditional school lessons. However, for very young children, playtime is also an important learning time. In fact, young children learn best through play. This is why play must be an integral part of childhood education. This quick guide will explore the benefits of play in childhood development and education.

Encourages Brain Development

Play can help children develop a better understanding of the world around them. Learning new skills through play lays a foundation for brain growth. When new skills are set in the context of playtime, a child’s brain can approach the task in a more relaxed way. When children are relaxed and engaged, their brains are better prepared to receive new information and make important connections. Research has also shown that neurons in the brains of babies and children are most active during play. Crucial brain cell connections can be made during this time.

Encourages Intelligence

A study by the University of Arkansas discovered that children who are given a wide variety of toys to play with regularly have high IQ levels. Interacting with toys and other children or adults through play also helps to develop a child’s social and communication skills.

Encourages Creativity

One of the most beneficial aspects of play that can be visibly seen, though, is how playtime will spark a child’s natural creativity. When children are in a comfortable, relaxed play context, their minds open up to new possibilities. This is when a child’s imagination can grow, and problem-solving skills can develop. Presenting children with toys and games that present soft problem-solving opportunities is a great way to increase their divergent thinking and build their confidence.

Free Vs Structured Play

There are two types of play for children in their early childhood. Both types hold significant benefits for brain, social, and creative development.

Free play is playtime overseen by an adult or caregiver but not planned out or structured at all. The child or children are allowed to interact with toys, equipment, or supplies in any way they like.

Structured playtime is playtime that has been planned by a caregiver or educator. This playtime will have a specific objective in mind. For instance, a caregiver may instruct the child or children to use the toy kitchen to work together to create a meal and serve it to other children. Or a caregiver may present a child with several colored blocks and encourage them to divide the blocks according to color, shape or size.

Both types of play are necessary for early childhood education and brain development. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to use both types of play on a regular basis with young children.