

5 Tips for Talking to Your Child About Religion

Even for religious or spiritually inclined folks, religion can be a touchy subject that is difficult to share with your kids. When you aren’t religious, discussing religion with your children can be even more challenging. Whether you are having a hard time starting the conversation about religion because of a lack of experience with religion


How To Cultivate Gratitude

The positive impacts of cultivating gratitude are probably more than you would expect! According to Harvard Health Publishing, expressing gratefulness is correlated with a higher level of happiness. People who are intentionally thankful are more inclined to have good experiences in life, deal with conflict productively, build strong relationships, and have improved health. With these


The Future of Education

Soon, the new year will be here, and we look forward to building a better future for all of us. The future always provides optimism, growth, and uncertainty, especially in education. Here are some possible future education trends to pay attention to. Technology One major trend to look out for is changes in technology. With